our Goal
Mission statement
Yale Model African Union (YMAU) is a leadership development conference that encourages participants to discuss, engage with, and craft solutions to Africa’s most pressing issues of the 21st century. Through a series of presentations from curated speakers and pan-African leaders, AU inspired moderated debates, and leadership development workshops and training, YMAU will empower participants to find their voices, enrich their academic experiences, and acquire the tools and skillset to excel during the conference and beyond.
Integral to fostering a space that is conducive to the transformative vision of the Yale Model African Union is the representation of the diverse perspectives and identities of young African leaders from across the diaspora. With this in mind, YMAU is committed to providing an accessible educational experience to students from across the continent, and consequently, seeks to maintain affordable prices and reduce financial obstacles. Building on this commitment, YMAU will not seek profit; the participation fee will solely reflect the planning and administrative costs, including but not limited to materials, speaker fees, transportation, and accommodations. Additionally, YMAU will develop and advertise a sponsorship package for corporate and private donors to support the attendance of individuals who possess the desire and ability to participate but lack the financial means to do so.