Welcome to the Online Training Platform
Online Training Platform
UNA-USA Procedure Flowchart
Speech Outline and Sample Speech
Sample Resolution
Reference Documents
To further our mission of developing leaders through MAU, the team here at YMAU is excited to provide you with some helpful training documents. Regardless of your formal MAU or MUN experience, we hope you’ll feel better prepared for committees. Be sure to check out our Online Training Program (OTP) for more guidance!
The flowchart is designed as a loose guide for delegates to familiarize them with the procedure ahead of the conference. This is meant to be a supplement to our OTP.
This speech outline and sample speech is designed to guide delegates who are nervous about public speaking or perhaps have never attended a Model AU/UN conference in the past.
Delegates will write resolution papers during committee sessions throughout the conference; no pre-written resolutions are allowed. Delegates are encouraged to work in resolution groups with fellow students in order to craft a unified and impactful resolution.